written by
Victoria Egba

Mastering Recruiting Artificial Intelligence: Best Practices for Hiring Managers

Hiring & Automation 9 min read , June 26, 2024

Artificial Intelligence is changing recruitment and at least 43% of HR Professionals are already using it. Early this 2024, AI recruitment technology was on a market value of $661.5 million and is now projected to reach $1.8 billion by 2030 showing how the world is pivoting to automation even in talent acquisition.

However, AI goes beyond automation. With advanced tools that increase efficiency, reduce bias and improve candidate experience, hiring managers can use AI tools for nearly every aspect of their recruiting process . As organisations continue to compete for the best talent, mastering AI in recruitment is key. This guide covers the best practices and insights to get AI working for you in your hiring, for smooth talent acquisition. Read on!

recruiting with AI

Understanding AI in Recruitment Process

AI in recruitment is a game changer for how we find and hire talent. At its heart AI uses machine learning algorithms and data analytics to automate and optimise various parts of the hiring process. From initial resume screening and candidate matching to initial interviews and predicting job performance AI is faster and more accurate. It saves time and resources and reduces unconscious bias so a fairer evaluation of candidates.

LinkedIn’s 2024 Future of Recruiting survey highlights the growth of AI. The survey was conducted in 2023 and released in March 2024 and had 1,453 responses from senior management and 498 hiring managers across 23 countries. The results show 62% of talent acquisition professionals are positive about AI in recruitment. However only 27% are using or experimenting with generative AI. Adoption rates vary by region with 6% in the UK and France and 5% in Germany, Austria and Switzerland using generative AI.
In other words, the survey shows that more professionals are inclined to use AI in their talent acquisition strategy and are positive about its results in all aspect of recruitment.

Definition and Importance of AI in Recruitment

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in recruitment means using machine learning and data to automate and supercharge all the bits of the hiring process. It does resume screening, candidate matching and initial interviews for you. Having such simplicity frees up the time of hiring mangers, allowing them means building relationships with potential candidates and make better decisions. Time and money saved and process quality and speed improved performance

How AI is Streamlining the Hiring Process

AI is changing the hiring game by making recruitment so much more efficient. It can look through thousands of applications in seconds and show you the best matches for the job based on your requirements.

In other words, HR teams spend less time on administrative stuff like resume screening and first-round interviews and more time talking to candidates and tuning recruitment.

The benefits of AI touch all areas of talent acquisition. For example, AI-powered sourcing tools can look across databases and social media for candidates who fit the job. In screening, AI can read resumes and forms to show you candidates who qualify.

Moreover, AI assessment tools can test skills and competencies through custom tests and simulations so it’s more fair and comprehensive.

two HR managers

The Role of AI in the Recruitment Process

AI is changing hiring for good – fast and cost-effective recruitment with better people. Advanced algorithms and data analytics at every stage of recruitment makes the process faster and more productive.

Sourcing and Filtering

AI’s first job is sourcing and filtering. AI tools can search millions of CVs on job boards, social media and company databases in seconds and find people who match the job. That’s time and talent pool expansion.

Resumes and Job Applications

When it comes to filtering, AI can read resumes and job applications in seconds and find the key qualifications, skills and experience.

That’s a shortlist of the most qualified candidates. Automated filtering removes bias and is more objective than humans.

Pre-Employment Testing

AI’s job is testing too. Customized tests and simulations to assess skills, cognitive ability and personality. That gives deeper insight into the person and culture fit. More hiring decisions made.

Success and Culture Fit

AI can predict candidate success by looking at historical hiring data and performance metrics. It finds patterns and correlations and predicts the person’s success in the job and long-term retention. That’s data-driven decision making and better hiring.

In short, AI is changing recruitment for good – fast, bias-free and insightful sourcing, screening, testing and predicting talent leaders. It’s in recruitment strategies and accelerates hiring and attracts and retains the best.

candidates and talent managers

Enhancing Candidate Experience with AI

AI is not only making recruitment more efficient and effective but also the candidate experience. By using AI enabled tools recruiters can create a more streamlined, personalized and engaging journey for the candidate from application to onboarding.

Personalised Communication and Feedback

One of the ways AI enhances candidate experience is through personalised communication and feedback. AI enabled recruitment tools can send tailored messages and updates to candidates throughout the process, keeping them informed and engaged.

These tools can provide instant feedback on applications and assessments, so candidates aren’t left in the dark. This level of personalisation makes candidates feel valued and respected, overall better experience with the company.

Application Process

The application process can be a long and painful process for job candidates. AI can solve this by making the process more efficient and fun. Additionally, AI powered chatbots can guide the candidate through the application, answer their questions in real time and support them whenever needed.

AI can also pre-fill application forms and only ask candidates to provide the necessary information, so they don’t have to spend time and effort to apply for a job.

HR professionals discussing use of AI- blog.tech1m.com

Onboarding Experience

Artificial Intelligence doesn’t stop at recruitment; it also plays a big role in creating an engaging and personalised onboarding experience for new employees. AI powered tools can streamline the onboarding process by providing new hires with a tailored onboarding schedule, access to necessary resources and automated training modules.

So new employees have a smooth and memorable transition into the company, setting the tone for a positive and productive tenure.

Through AI in recruitment and onboarding process, organisations can enhance the candidate experience, making it more efficient, personalised and engaging. This not only helps in attracting top talent but also in retaining them by creating a positive first impression with the company.

Overcoming Recruitment Bias with AI

Recruitment has always been plagued by unconscious biases that distort hiring. Those biases are often unconscious and come from cultural norms, personal stories and even the words used in job ads and interviews.

Human Bias Out of the Equation

AI is the solution to that bias and removes subjectivity from the process so recruiters can make more fair decisions.

AI looks at data and criteria and doesn’t have human biases and assumptions. It evaluates each candidate on skills, experience and fit for the job. Measurable things, not subjective factors. Age, gender, race, all that bias goes away.

woman sitting around table holding tablet

Bias in Resume Screening

For example, AI algorithms can be trained to screen resumes of qualified candidates by looking for specific skills, experience and qualifications. That removes the first human bias that comes from the candidate’s name, which is often unconscious discrimination. So AI gives all candidates an equal chance based on merit.

Talent Assessment

AI-powered talent assessment tools screen and assess candidates. They do cognitive and technical skills tests, personality and behavioral assessments. That gives a report on each candidate’s strengths, weaknesses and personality. Recruiters can make decisions based on the whole candidate, not opinions.

Implementing AI in Recruitment

The ideal scenario for AI in recruitment is where technology supports human knowledge and expertise. AI can speed up the hiring process by automating tasks and working seamlessly with hiring managers. AI recruitment software can make hiring decisions faster and more confidently. But we need to keep the balance where AI helps human judgment not replaces it.

Best Practices for Hiring Managers

While AI has many benefits it’s not suitable for every business or situation. Hiring managers need to own the recruitment process and review everything AI creates. Implementing AI will take time and resource and hiring managers need to be prepared to invest that time and resource. AI is best suited for high volume recruitment and roles with repeatable qualification criteria. Hiring managers need to approach AI with a full recruitment strategy first. Here’s how:

Someone using a laptop

Know Your Needs

Is AI right for your business or recruitment scenario? AI is great for high volume recruitment and roles with repeatable qualification criteria.

Train Your Team: Train your HR team on how to use AI tools effectively. Understanding how they work and what they can do will help you get the most out of them.

Research AI Tools: Choose AI tools that fit your business. Research thoroughly and consider factors like integration, scalability and vendor support.

Start Small: Start with a pilot to test AI in your recruitment process. This will allow you to identify any issues and make adjustments before going live.

Focus on Data: Make sure the data going into the AI system is accurate, comprehensive and up to date. Good data is key to AI working and producing good results.

Monitor and Measure: Monitor AI tools and measure their impact on the process. Use metrics like time-to-hire, cost-per-hire and candidate quality to measure success.

Compliance: Be aware of the legal and ethical implications of using AI in recruitment. Ensure AI tools are compliant and don’t introduce new biases.

Human-AI Collaboration: Use AI to support human judgment not replace it. AI can do the repetitive tasks and data analysis, human recruiters can focus on strategic decision making and personal interaction.

Task candidates and hiring managers for feedback on the AI driven recruitment process. Use this feedback to make continuous improvements.

Calculating risks in AI

Challenges and Risks of AI in Recruitment

AI alone may not always find the best candidate for the role and hiring managers need to review AI output thoroughly. AI can miss out on great candidates if it doesn’t read between the lines on resumes and applications. Misuse of AI can reduce candidate quality if the algorithms are not fine tuned. So human oversight is key to ensure the final hiring decision is sound and complete.

Maintaining the Human Touch in AI-Driven Recruitment

While AI can streamline many parts of recruitment it can also lose the human touch in the entire hiring process itself. Hiring managers need to ensure AI is used to support human expertise, capture the subtleties of human interaction and consider how people fit together in real life scenarios. This way we can balance technology with personal connection which is key to good recruitment.,

The Future of AI in Recruitment

AI Technology and Recruitment Advances

As technology gets better AI in recruitment will get even more sophisticated. One of the biggest advances in AI will be making better data driven decisions which will further improve the hiring process. AI and machine learning will play a bigger role in talent acquisition and help hiring managers find top talent and streamline recruitment.

This will lead to more advanced recruiting tools that give deeper insights and more accurate predictions, a brighter future for AI recruitment. Tech1M is a cutting-edge recruitment intelligence platform, leveraging AI and data analytics to streamline global talent acquisition. Visit www.tech1m.com to learn more.

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